Advocating for Menstrual Equity
Flowing for Change is a social movement advocating for menstrual equity. Our goal is to raise awareness about the challenges faced by menstruating people and to advocate for policies and resources that promote menstrual health and hygiene. Join us in this movement for change!
Our Mission
Through Flowing For Change I strive to empower individuals and communities to address the stigma and shame surrounding menstruation, and to promote access to affordable menstrual products, education and resources.
Menstrual Product Distribution
I provide free menstrual products to individuals and communities in need. Each year, products are doanted to a community location so people can access them. This year, donations will be given to every food bank in Thunder Bay, community organizations like Evergreen Community
Neighbourhood. Final donation recipents will be announced at the end of this years campaign
Menstrual Health Education
I have created a variety of educational resources that are set to be distrubuted across the city at the end of this campaign. Every single person, regardless of absolutely anything has the right to bleed with dignity, and to understand their bodies.
Advocacy & Activism
I am an advocate for menstrual equity and work to promote and create resources that remove the barrier to a comprehensive period education, and provide barrier free access to period products. By supporting this campaign, you are joining me in the conversation.
Partnerships and Collaborations
I have collaborated with a variety of organizations, including GetOnly, GetJoni, Lakehead's Gender Equity Center, Atmos, and so many more to be able to bring this campaign to life every year. I heavily rely on partnerships for the success of my intiative. I would be no where with out them and I cannot express my gratitude enough.